Specialist lending is for situations needing special attention. We come in when banks will not lend on a loan, despite the loan making complete sense. The industry plays a small, but integral, role in the property finance ecosystem. In fact, Southern Cross Partners alone helps hundreds of New Zealanders each year to reach their financial goals through property. We focus on short-term, flexible, lending solutions. Once a borrower has completed their project or overcome their financial gap, they can return to a traditional bank with a standard loan term.
Southern Cross Partners' record of accomplishment spans almost three decades. We’re proud to be the friendly face of property funding, helping people understand specialist lending in a sometimes-confusing landscape. To us, people come first, and that’s why we try to say yes when others say no. We get things done for borrowers by being fast, flexible, and efficient. Our door is always open to see how we can make things work.
At Southern Cross Partners, we pay your fee, in full, at drawdown. Simply advise us of the fee you have agreed to charge the borrower and we will add this to the loan amount. There are no clawbacks.
As a specialist peer-to-peer lender, there are two halves to our business: the loans we provide to New Zealanders, and the New Zealanders investing in these loans. These two sides of the business work harmoniously to help Kiwis achieve financial freedom through specialist lending. We start by working with you, our adviser community, to secure short-term specialist loans for your borrower. Once we have paid out that loan, we move the value to the investor side of the business. From there, Kiwis invest in the loans, earning interest on their investment when the borrower repays.
Non-CCCFA refers to loans that are not regulated under the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 (CCCFA). Loans that are regulated under the CCCFA tend to be made to an individual borrower for personal use. A common example of this is when a bank issues a mortgage for an owner-occupied property. Southern Cross Partners only lends on non-CCCFA loans. This means that we tend to lend on loans in the name of a trust or company or for commercial or business use.